Important Dates

2024-03-15: regular paper title and abstract. (Extended)
2024-03-22: regular paper full submission. (Extended)
2024-05-01: regular paper notification.
2024-06-20: regular paper camera-ready submission deadline. (Extended)
2024-06-21: work-in-progress papers submission deadline. (Extended)
2024-06-28: work-in-progress papers notification. (Extended)
2024-07-23: Deadline for abstract of the PhD session
2024-07-30: notification of the PhD session
2024-08-28: conference begins.

Submission Instructions

Original submissions are invited in two categories: regular research papers and work-in-progress papers.

Regular research papers must not exceed 15 pages in LNCS format including references and appendices. It is planned for the accepted papers to be published in a proceedings in the Springer LNAI series. Shorter papers on tools may be considered in this category and should include a URL from which the tool can be downloaded or accessed on-line.

Work-in-progress papers need not be original. Concurrent submission to another conference or a journal is allowed. Papers in this category are limited in length to 6 pages in the EPTCS format. The accepted ones will be presented at the symposium and will be included in a CoRR proceedings.

Papers and abstracts are submitted via the EasyChair submission page: